Saturday, December 19, 2009

Time for change is now

Phew, last few weeks was insanely busy and fun at the same time. Now is the time. Must make full use of this 2 weeks.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Next Week

Here's what is going to happen starting next week.

- Going to start training again. Improving strength, endurance, speed, power, agility, flexibility, accuracy and precision. Covering running, swimming, skipping, weight-lifting, body-weighted training, old-school training, acrobatics, gymnastics, parkouring. This is going to be the most intense one yet.

- I haven train for a few months and i'm still around the same weight, maybe lighter due to loss of muscles.. From next week onwards my metabolism rate will increase like crazy, my fats percentage will also drop like crazy. Low fat percentage isn't good by the way. There is no fats to protect your organs which can cause damages. So, need to change my diet to suit the intense training.

- Going to read as much books i can. Everytime i see those books i kept wishing how i can have the time and energy to read them. The pile of books i want to read is getting higher.

- To cope with everything from school work to work to reading to the intense trainings and everything i need to do, i need to change my sleeping habits. Sleep early and rise early.

Peew, actually i'm kind of frightened by all this and in the meantime excited and looking forward to monday. i'm in (a little) doubt whether i can do it. =) In one month's time (4 jan 2010), it will be a new me? i should be feeling quite comfortable in my new life and my new body haha. If things don't go smoothly, i might somewhere in the month faint from fatigue =/

Maybe after 1 month's time
- PU? haha

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


3rd post for today! Suddenly feels the urge to keep writing.

Althought praying is normally linked to religions, but it is not limit to religious people. Prayer is a powerful tool to have. Most are clueless to the power of praying.

To sidetrack abit, I still remembered one of my teachers teaching us that we are made up of 4 parts. Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul. It is when this 4 parts are develop and attended to equally that you will be healthy and well.

"Our body responds to the way we think and feel. This is so-called "mind body connection" When we are stressed, upset or under emotional pressure, our body tries to tell us that about it and we experience some physical problem. For example, you may have high blood pressure when you hear something shocking.
Keep in mind, if your mind is healthy, you have a healthy body, healthy spirit and healthy soul. Good health of body and mind is important for a healthy and happy living. Life can be only wonderful if you are in perfect health."

And coming back, praying can helps us strengthen our body, mind, spirit and soul in one way or another.

Praying can renew one's spiritual connection with a power outside themselves. Research shows that when Catholics prayed before they eat their food, the body is different compared to those who didnt pray. The body becomes more 'open' to the food, thus able to absorb more efficiently and of course the food becomes 'better'.

Whats more amazing is praying to water. Water itself is an amazing substance. It is the more susceptible to thoughts compared to other objects/substances.

This is water before prayer:

This is water after prayer:

See how beautiful it is! If you send positive and loving thoughts to the bottle/cup of water you are about to drink it will becomes like this beautiful crystal althought we can't see if with our bare eyes. And remember, isn't our body made up of 90% water? So, if you think positive and loving thoughts the water inside of you will transform also! If you pray and love others, so will theirs!

I suddenly felt like praying just now and i did. After im done, a wave of happiness washed over me. It is happiness in a deeper level.
Althought i had known these facts for sometime now, i never really make use of them for whatever reason. But im going to start praying once in a while now, for myself and others. =)

A Thin Line

2nd post of the day! The previous post is suppose to be titled "A Thin Line" but it got kind of long before i even reached this point..

I just released it in some ways that there is really only a thin line between good and 'evil'. Some people crosses between them quite often, some stayed on one side constantly.

With increase of power, the chances of crossing to the side of 'evil' will increase and with increase of knowledge, the degrees to which this evility will go will be deeper. Anything can happen to cause this line to appear, from increase of power and knowledge to all the negatives emotions that can be very strong. Sometime you can't even see the line as you just fly through it so fast and carrying out 'evil' thoughts becomes second nature.

What is 'evil'. How to you know what you thought is evil? Some 'evil' thoughts are obvious some are just not that obvious. It is not 'evil' if you follow your heart?

Dreams Part 2

Dreamt again. This time the dream freaking bluff me. I was in a partially conscious state thus it is easier to be bluff. I dreamt that i received an sms from someone. I know who sent it, but the content itself isn't clear. I know roughly what it is about but i cant read the words properly cause i was still feeling drowsy as I'm still in the middle of my nap. At this time i decided to wait up so i could read the message properly and reply to it. When i opened my eyes, the first thought is " When did i received a message??" Then i realised that it was only a dream.

Recapping on what i had written about dreams from my past post. Dream

"Is this some subconscious tactics by the brain to make me stay in bed longer?
Is this false reality a good thing, when i wake and discover that this is just a dream?
Has what happen cause me so much displeasure and a strong desire to change it create a false reality for me to escape to while i sleep?"

I don't know about the above, but one thing is for sure, dreams are good for you. Either physically; helps to recharge the mind and revitalize the body, or

"To realize that your dreams are unique. No other individual can have your background, your emotions, or your experiences. Every dream is connected with your own "reality". Thus, in interpreting your dreams, it is important to draw from your personal life and experiences.
Remember that a dream unifies the body, mind, and spirit. It provides you with insight into ourselves and a means for self-exploration. In understanding your dreams, you will have a better understanding and discovery of your true self."

Yeah I'm drawn to dream interpretation already! I'm still trying to figure out this dream of mine.. And any of you out there who had any recent dreams come find me to interpret as through this i can learn more in this area. =)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Follow Your Heart

I forgot what i want to blog. Sometimes you just cant get back the lost thoughts..

Time For Miracles

Attachment. Everyone has attachment in some form or another. Attachment can be created from strong emotions that you experienced during that time. E.g. There is this 3 songs that when every time i listen to them, the past memories of the time in contact with this particular friend will start coming back to me. With these memories are the different emotions i felt during that time. Not that i still feel the same way now, but these is just part of a memory that will trigger by attachment to a subject. Some people do use this attachment method to improve their memory.

Im alrdy missing this particular baby kitten that i hold it in one of my hands and cup it with the other to keep it warm. How vulnerable it is. Really makes you want protect it even if it cause your life. Isnt this how love feels?

I've given myself to the end of this week to prepare myself. From next week, alot of things are going to change. Even though i feels that the time isnt enough and im still so not really for the changes, but it is still going to happen next week.