Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Time For Miracles

Attachment. Everyone has attachment in some form or another. Attachment can be created from strong emotions that you experienced during that time. E.g. There is this 3 songs that when every time i listen to them, the past memories of the time in contact with this particular friend will start coming back to me. With these memories are the different emotions i felt during that time. Not that i still feel the same way now, but these is just part of a memory that will trigger by attachment to a subject. Some people do use this attachment method to improve their memory.

Im alrdy missing this particular baby kitten that i hold it in one of my hands and cup it with the other to keep it warm. How vulnerable it is. Really makes you want protect it even if it cause your life. Isnt this how love feels?

I've given myself to the end of this week to prepare myself. From next week, alot of things are going to change. Even though i feels that the time isnt enough and im still so not really for the changes, but it is still going to happen next week.

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