Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning

Winston Churchill quotes

I've finally lost the interest to blog. So this will be the last entry.

Maybe this blog will reopened in the future. Till then.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What's new

Past few days, 3 season premieres of tv series. =)
Still waiting for 2 more to premieres which will make a total of 5 series that i will be catching every week lol, on top of movies.

Kanye West is an ass. Gd luck to him.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This is suppose to be a long post but i dont feel like writing so much.


9-11 Sep

12 Sep
Philip Morris Family Day is quite interesting in a way

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

District 9

(District 9) The aliens are so vulnerable in this movie but the aliens' weapons are powerful. The humans abused and treat the aliens badly. So will they pay the price when help returns for the aliens?


(Haeundae) Comedy at the front part then the disaster strucks. Show the fragility and nobility of life. Be good to ppl and they will save ur life. Be nasty to ppl and they will still save ur life. Funny, exciting and touching.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Movies watched recently:

(The Boat That Rocked) U know why it rocks? Cause it is a radio boat play rock and roll songs from the 60s. They had so much fun! That you will feel the fun they are having. The boat totally rocks!

(Terminator Salvation) Cool movie. The machines are so freaking awesome. U see the humans and the machines and u know humans can just give up lol.

(Sophie's Revenge) It is a comedy but i only fun some parts funny, some are just plain idoitic. i will go omg, stop throwing ur own face. Revenge is stupid, why cant she just forget and move on. Quite comical cause zhang ziyi is a comic drawer in the movie.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blew it

Today was so fun. Together with Dianne, Guanlin and kenny, went kallang leisure park for ice skating and after that went bowling. We sure got alot of attention at the ice skating rink, i wonder why haha. I think luck went out earlier today. Going there was alright but when we were coming back, leaving leisure park, it was o.o.

Totally blew it. That was the ______ of getting a __________. Yea, i can see it happen now. But at that moment, i think i feel too comfortable in my _______-____. Hai... Even if it is better outside? I dont think so. Blew it! ARGG.

Maybe that is not my fate. A better ___ awaits? 10 _________ one? Haha hope so.

Why it didnt happen.
Option 1
1) No _________ (Why?)
2) Cause of my ____ (A cure?)
3) It too large a ___ (For it to happen?)
4) Study ______ (Why is it delayed?)
(This option is full of uncertainty and need a longer time supposedly. If accomplished, success is comfimed. It is more material.)

Option 2
1) Dont care cause _____ doesnt matters.
2) Fight _______ (How to?)
(This option is easier and the time needed can be 1 mins to 10yrs and more. It is all in the mind.)

Obviously im currently taking the option 2. But option 1 keeps surfacing itself and having conflicts with option 2. Option 1 has alot of other advantages so it is confirm that i will start this no matter wht. With necessarily things to do + going out + working + thing i like to do. It just takes time.

The problem is: I cant wait much long, im suffocating even though i wont die for it.

So wht is my plan?
Go sleep first. =) Nights.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I want to fall. All im thinking abt so frequently now.

*lightbulb* I can write a song with this feeling.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Parkour: The art of movement

Trained today. Fight and flight is what i've decided to train for from now on. Will be joining kick boxing for fight. Parkour for flight. Of course it is not going to be restricted to this 2. U might say flight? Why flee in the face of danger? That must depends on the objective, flight is sometimes neccessary.

Fear. Scared. What if. Will be a challange mentally during training also. But i see endess advantages in this training above physically and mentally.

Some might say that singapore isnt suitable for parkour but after this few trainings + tours, i find quite a number of possible parkour spots. Which is good news.

More To Come

Jian da came over for lunch today. He played a nice version of cai hong on the guitar and he said he will be passing me the score the next time he sees me. Alot of nice movies coming out.

This movie is about smart ppl trying to outsmart one another. Each has spies in their rival company. May the smartest one win and get away with money/profits/competitive advantage over another.

Thai Express

When haji lane again with Christine and Zheyu. Then ate thai express at iluma. The food are really nice. The price is worth the food lol. Met eugene outside bottle tree park after that. Went to tour the park and had fun waving touchlight and jumping ard. =)