Friday, December 4, 2009

Next Week

Here's what is going to happen starting next week.

- Going to start training again. Improving strength, endurance, speed, power, agility, flexibility, accuracy and precision. Covering running, swimming, skipping, weight-lifting, body-weighted training, old-school training, acrobatics, gymnastics, parkouring. This is going to be the most intense one yet.

- I haven train for a few months and i'm still around the same weight, maybe lighter due to loss of muscles.. From next week onwards my metabolism rate will increase like crazy, my fats percentage will also drop like crazy. Low fat percentage isn't good by the way. There is no fats to protect your organs which can cause damages. So, need to change my diet to suit the intense training.

- Going to read as much books i can. Everytime i see those books i kept wishing how i can have the time and energy to read them. The pile of books i want to read is getting higher.

- To cope with everything from school work to work to reading to the intense trainings and everything i need to do, i need to change my sleeping habits. Sleep early and rise early.

Peew, actually i'm kind of frightened by all this and in the meantime excited and looking forward to monday. i'm in (a little) doubt whether i can do it. =) In one month's time (4 jan 2010), it will be a new me? i should be feeling quite comfortable in my new life and my new body haha. If things don't go smoothly, i might somewhere in the month faint from fatigue =/

Maybe after 1 month's time
- PU? haha

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